Giving online to fumc
We are grateful for your financial contributions to the mission and ministry of First United Methodist Church. You can give online through Subsplash Giving. This can be done on the form in this page or through our App. After entering an amount, please indicate where your contribution should go using the dropdown "FUND" line and also choose the "FREQUENCY" of this amount. When you hit "NEXT" you will have an opportunity to type a memo should you need to further clarify a specific designation for you contribution.
"First-mile giving" supports the overall mission and ministry of First UMC and comes from those who make an annual pledge and those who give without pledging. "Second-mile giving" is giving a designated donation over and above that for a specific need or to the Memorial Foundation.
"First-mile giving" supports the overall mission and ministry of First UMC and comes from those who make an annual pledge and those who give without pledging. "Second-mile giving" is giving a designated donation over and above that for a specific need or to the Memorial Foundation.
The Memorial Foundation
The Memorial Foundation was organized in December 1971 to provide a vehicle for individuals to make gifts, memorials and other bequests that are separate from the annual church income. Since that time, there have been thousands of individual donations. All donations are invested or used as directed by the donors.
Memorial Foundation funds have provided support for education and youth programs and for many other special projects and programs over the years. Total Foundation support for the church and its programs has exceeded 6.5 million dollars in the years since its inception. Recent examples of Memorial Foundation activities include a $5,000 donation to the United Methodist Children's Services to help them purchase a new boiler. Foundation funds were also instrumental in supporting the installation of the new sanctuary sound system.
Why Give to the Memorial Foundation?
A gift to the Memorial Foundation is a demonstration of our caring, our faith in the future, and a good way to declare our commitment to the ongoing community impacts of our church. Your gift can offer us a kind of immortality by continuing to work on our behalf to help support our ministries long after we are gone. Your gift can also be used to reduce your capital gains, estate or income taxes.
Memorial Foundation funds have provided support for education and youth programs and for many other special projects and programs over the years. Total Foundation support for the church and its programs has exceeded 6.5 million dollars in the years since its inception. Recent examples of Memorial Foundation activities include a $5,000 donation to the United Methodist Children's Services to help them purchase a new boiler. Foundation funds were also instrumental in supporting the installation of the new sanctuary sound system.
Why Give to the Memorial Foundation?
A gift to the Memorial Foundation is a demonstration of our caring, our faith in the future, and a good way to declare our commitment to the ongoing community impacts of our church. Your gift can offer us a kind of immortality by continuing to work on our behalf to help support our ministries long after we are gone. Your gift can also be used to reduce your capital gains, estate or income taxes.
WAYS TO GIVE to the foundation
Give Online
You can give online through Subsplash Giving. This can be done on this page in the image above or through our App.
Gifts of Cash
Many of us already give memorial gifts in the names of friends or loved ones who have recently died. We can also provide for our own memorials by designating cash gifts in our wills. These can be designated for a specific purpose or may be made available for general use wherever the Foundation Committee identifies a need. Cash gifts in wills may be arranged in one of two ways. The will can provide for a fixed amount to be given to the Foundation or it can provide for a percentage of the estate.
Gifts of Securities
For many, gifts of stock or other securities have become more practical in recent years. Such a gift may have two tax advantages; the donor is able to avoid the capital gains tax and may claim full market value at the time of the gift as an income tax deduction.
Gifts of Life Insurance
Sometimes donors wish to give other items through the Foundation. For example, real estate is a very worthwhile donation where the tax advantages can be substantial.